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Outside Kids Blog

The Importance of Warmth
The Role of Warmth in a Child’s Development As the winter months deepen, bringing some of the coldest days of the year, the significance...

Outside Kids: Part of a Long History of Nature Schooling in Florida
This past Monday, the Outside Kids celebrated Earth Day by picking up trash on and around our local beach front at Hanna Park where we...

Little Star Children: Strong, Courageous, and Bold!
Reflections on Michaelmas The Michaelmas celebration is so much fun at Outside Kids. But the story has a particular meaning and resonance...

Look! It turned orange!
Watercolor Painting with Outside Kids Wet-on-wet watercolor painting is a technique taught in LifeWays early childhood programs, Waldorf...

Those Cute Symbols Are More Than Cute
"Those little pictures on the fence and on the stones are so cute," is something we hear almost every day from people in our neighborhood...

Walk the Talk: Steps to Smooth Transitions
A mom was in the doctor's office with her two young children. After their treatment, the children wanted to go down the hall to play in...

How to Promote Rest
This summer, I had the privilege to attend a LifeWays Fundamentals training course in Jacksonville. LifeWays is an organization focused...

Playing Safe Around Waterways, Part 2: Beach Play
We're going to the beach. We're going to the beach. We're going to have fun and play in the sun. We're going to the beach! We're going to...

Playing Safe Around Waterways, Part 1: Canoeing
"Wow! You take your kids in the ocean? You take them canoeing? You must be very brave." I hear this at least twice a week. My Outside...

To See What We Could See
On Dutton Island, last week, we walked out to the little bridge that connects the causeway to the island. We visit it often to check the...

February Happenings
Happy February! February 2nd brings 2 reasons to celebrate! Ground Hog Day and Candlemas, a European tradition. Both...

What it means to be an Outside Kid
What do you do all day? Where do you have school? How do the children get there and how do parents know when and where? Do you have an...

Autumn Rhythms
Outside kids are out and about the neighborhood of Atlantic beach. Bicycling, hiking, beaching, turtle watching, and swimming are some of...

Do you really need to buy more toys?
Do you really need to buy more new toys? Ages 3 to 5 Children at this age are capable of transforming things from their surroundings,...

Summertime Rhythm
Within the early childhood practices of Outside Kids, inspired by LifeWays, you”ll read and hear me talk about rhythm. But what is it?...

Sassy's Nest is Newsworthy!
Hi Outside Kids! We are happy to announce our newest Outside Kids family member, Sea turtle nest #5! That's right, Outside Kids has...
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